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Spread the Word–Content Sharing

When there are potential customers reading your company’s content, it’s good for business. But when they’re sharing it and talking about it, that’s even better. Surprisingly, there are some simple actions you can take to get your content to reach even more people, and hopefully generate more sales leads. Ann Handley discussed some of those easy content sharing strategies in an article called, “How to Increase Social Sharing to Generate More Leads.” Here are some ways your company can apply those easy content sharing tips Handley discusses.

Add a Twitter Share Button
By adding a Twitter share button, customers will be able to share with their followers when they like content that you write. With Twitter, the possibilities of how many people you can reach are endless. The more retweets and mentions your content can gather, the better. And by placing a share button by your content, website visitors will have no problem figuring out how to get the word out.

What Would You Share?
When you’re sitting down to write the content, Handley suggests putting yourself in the consumer’s place. Would you share the content that you just wrote? If not, it’s time to go back to the drawing board. But if you make it interesting, you’ll get more shares. It’s as simple as that. If you would read it, go ahead and click submit.

Pick Sides
Sure, being balanced with your content is a safe approach. But Handley pointed out that people would want to talk more about your content if there’s a clear side to an issue. It’ll get more people to share that content and get others interested. Make sure that you’re educated about whatever side you choose to support on an issue, and stick to it. The better written and more supported the argument is, the more credible you’ll be.

Make it Easy and Accessible
The best way to get more leads through your content is to make it easy to share. If you put share buttons on all of the content you post, consumers will find it easy to spread the message. It makes your job easier, and will hopefully generate more leads. And you can even put the sharing options close on your homepage. If consumers see the options up close, there is more of an opportunity for them to remember to share the content. Make sure to make buttons available for all of your top social media sites so that all types of users can share content.